Aether In a Box - 5G

The documentation for Aether In a Box (AiaB) - 5G is located in Aether OnRamp, where specifics about setting up Aether 5G, running 5G test, troubleshooting, and other details are described.

Developer Loop

Suppose you wish to test a new build of a 5G SD-CORE services. You can deploy custom images by editing ~/aether-in-a-box/sd-core-5g-values.yaml, for example:

    webui: omecproject/5gc-webui:rel-1.4.0

To upgrade a running 5G SD-CORE with the new image, or to redeploy the 5G SD-CORE with the image:

make reset-5g-test # delete 5G deployment if it was already started before updating image
make 5g-core  # now this deployment will use new webui image